Friday, August 27, 2010

Biking to get in shape!

I'm riding my bike as fast I can. Boy look at me go, I really am something. You know I think I might actually be doing pretty good at this. I'm older now, so I thought I would have a hard time and be so out of shape that I would embarrass myself. Sure I'm a little out of breath and my legs are burning a little bit, but I imagine that's to be expected. After all I am crowding middle age and I'm not exactly the man I once was -- but who is, right?

I remember in my youth how I would be out playing one sport or another all day long or riding my bike until the sun went down and beyond. And then I'd get up the next day and do it again. Only an injury would keep me inside, and even then I'd play when I shouldn't. I will always be able to play sports and be active I thought. Little did I know what time would do to me, just as it does to everyone. But all things being equal, I'm pretty happy with this bike ride.

Whoa, low branch! Ha ha, that was close! I love having the wind in my face as I ride. Although I'm not much caring for these bugs that I keep collecting on my windscreen of a face. But I guess it's better than being the bug. I think my back tire might be a little low, I better check it out. No, I guess it's ok. It will probably always look low to me when I'm riding. Guess I am a little on the hefty side. I might not be huge, but I bet I could stand to lose a good 40 pounds. Well, let's get going. I'll take a rest in a few minutes, up the trail.

Pretty good weather today too. It must be what, 80 or so? Yeah that sounds about right. If the weather is this good every day I might get out more often. I could get used to this I think. Maybe I could make a day of it. I could head down to the library or a coffee shop before or after the ride, and watch the world go by. It's crazy, but I think this makes me happy. I never imagined that I would feel as good as I do on my first bike ride in years. I bet the people that I'm passing think I do this every day.

Man this time I'm going to lose this extra weight and really get in shape! I guess the key was finding something I'm good at and enjoy doing. I may have only been riding for maybe 15 minutes so far, but I think I stack up pretty good to everyone. Sure a few people on speed bikes are zooming past me and some athletic looking young people as well, but that's to be expected, I guess. Anyway, let's not lose our concentration and fly off the path into a tree. I'm not going to be the fastest out here after all these years, so it's not that big of deal if someone passes me once in...

Ok, so that was a bad idea. Everything hurts and I'm pretty sure my heart is going to explode. I knew I was done when that old guy passed me. You know you suck when some dude well into 60's blows your doors off. Beer me.

© 2010 Fredrick Stevens Poetry and Photography All Rights Reserved.

Liquid Memory

So deep is this pool
I cannot see the bottom
To skip a stone along the top
Remember things forgotten.

I'm sure the color must be blue
Of that I have no doubt
Yet well I cannot see it
The moon has just come out

Tall trees around me
Rustle with the wind
The air is chilling quickly
I'm sure I must go in.

Still I cannot leave this place
I must relive the past
For here one recalls those things
The lot that they were cast.

Now everything is coming back
The good and the sad
Reproach not, I tell myself
For you were just a lad.

Yet there remains a sadness
For chances that were missed
But though the ghosts are strong in me
Time is shrouded by a mist.

So now it's time to let them go
To embrace what lies ahead
For though the leaves will surely fall
The trees still take their breath.

© 2010 Fredrick Stevens Poetry and Photography All Rights Reserved.